Training and Research Opportunities

We strongly support the education and training of trainees with different levels in the Liang laboratory. Our education and training plan is a creative, integrative, and effective plan that integrates research and education to stimulate the discovery process and effectively communicates with trainees at different levels in a broader context. The mission of our education and training is to introduce critical thinking and interdisciplinary learning to the trainees. We always seek highly motivated, enthusiastic, and creative undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, visiting scholars, and research specialists to join our research group.

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students with a strong sense of discipline and teamwork and a desire to have solid hands-on experience in research are welcome to apply. Undergraduates from any major are welcome. An educational background in biology, chemistry, neuroscience, and mathematics is preferred but not required. Please send in your resume and a statement of interest.


Graduate Students

Graduate students interested in pursuing biochemistry, structural biology, molecular biology, microbiology, and neuroscience within our laboratory should apply to the graduate programs in Biochemistry, Cell and Developmental Biology (BCDB), or Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (MMG).

Here is an overview of all graduate programs at Emory: All Ph.D. applicants should apply for the BCDB or MMG program through the program’s application system.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Postdoctoral Fellow candidates should have or will soon receive Ph.D. degrees in structural biology, biochemistry, biophysics, and related fields. Candidates must have good research experience, independent research capabilities, and English writing and communication skills. Candidates with the following research experiences are preferred: 1. structural biology, including cryo-EM, crystallography, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR); 2. biochemistry and molecular cell biology; 3. RNA biology, 4. microbiology; 5. neuroscience. Candidates with a good fit are strongly encouraged to send in a CV, a cover letter, and the contact information of three referees.


Visiting Scholars

Recognized experts with doctoral degrees who wish to visit the Liang lab at Emory from an outside institution. The appointment is usually for one year and may be renewed for a second year. Visiting scholars may not be paid and must provide proof of outside funding. Please submit the appointment request, including a CV, a cover letter, and the contact information of three referees, at least one month before the requested start date or three months if a J-1 visa is required.

Research Specialists

Individuals with bachelor’s degrees or above and strong oral and written communication and management skills are required. Prior experiences in electron microscopy, biochemistry, or cell culture are preferred to apply. Please send in your CV, a statement of interest, and the contact information of two referees.


All inquiries and applications should email with the subject “Application – Your Name” to:

Bo Liang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Emory University School of Medicine
Room G247, Rollins Research Ctr.
1510 Clifton Rd. NE
Atlanta, GA 30322
Contact Dr. Liang