The Liang laboratory is located within the Department of Biochemistry at Emory University School of Medicine in Suite G238, G240, and G252 of the Rollins Research Center (RRC) on Emory’s main campus in Atlanta, Georgia. Click the map for directions to the Liang laboratory.
All general inquiries, including sales-related requests, should be emailed to the lab admin account:
Office: RRC G247
Labs: RRC G238, G240, and G252
Contact Information:
Office: 404.727.8287
Labs: 404.727.8915
Fax: 404.727.2738
Mailing Address:
Attn: Bo Liang, Ph.D.
Biochemistry, SOM, Emory
RM G240, Rollins Research Ctr.
1510 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Contact Dr. Liang for scientific discussions.
Please contact the Liang Lab Admin for vendors, sales, orders, and all other general inquiries.